Podcasts to Empower You on Women’s Equality Day

On this day, 99 years ago, women were granted the right to vote, which was a major milestone in the fight for gender equality. Although there is still more work to be done, it is important to recognize the courageous individuals who used their voices to help us get here.
To celebrate Women’s Equality Day, we wanted to share some of our favorite podcast episodes for female entrepreneurs and working mothers. Here is our playlist, available on Podyssey, featuring powerful leaders and vivid storytellers that have educated, entertained and ultimately empowered us:
1. HBR IdeaCast – 675: Why U.S. Working Moms Are So Stressed – And What To Do About It
2. The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish – When Good Intentions Go Bad
3. The Pitch Factor – Welcome to the Pitch Factor
4. Wall Street Breakfast – Wall Street Breakfast August 20: Social Media Battleground In Hong Kong Protests
5. How I Built This with Guy Raz – Rent The Runway: Jenn Hyman
6. Design Matters with Debbie Millman – From the Archive: Christina Tosi
7. Wow in the World – Wow in the World + The Story Pirates in Do You SEE What I HEAR?
Listen now on Podyssey and find other celebratory playlists about leading in business curated by Barbara Corcoran, Claudia Chan, The Vinetta Project, Forum For Women Entrepreneurs (FWE), CFC Media Lab, InHerSight. You also read our founder and CEO Marisa Ricciardi’s thoughts on each episode of our roundup.
Which podcasts do you draw inspiration from? Let us know your favorites by tagging us on social media: @TheRicciardiG & The Ricciardi Group.